(نظام حقوق زن در اسلام)WOMAN IN ISLAM ( انگلیسی )

(نظام حقوق زن در اسلام)WOMAN IN ISLAM ( انگلیسی )
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(نظام حقوق زن در اسلام)WOMAN IN ISLAM

Woman in Islam is a summary of Woman and Her Rights in Islam written by the great Muslim thinker and reformer, Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari. This book is to deal with the constant distortions of the shari'ah, whilst re-assessing it so that it would be compatible with the basic needs of life. In this book he analysed the nature of the family system and its position in Society, as well as its natural composition of having a man and a woman as its two basic elements. We hope that this book would be an invaluable contribution to the Islamic thought and of great benefit for all readers in general and people of research in particular

نویسنده شهيد مرتضی مطهری
مترجم م.ا. انصاری
سال چاپ 1395
نوبت چاپ اول
تعداد صفحات 144
زبان انگليسی
قطع رقعی
موضوع علوم اجتماعی
نوع جلد شومیز
مرجع سفارش پژوهشگاه بین المللی المصطفی(ص)
شناسه ملی 4505991
کد فایل BP0999
ارسال نظر
(بعد از تائید مدیر منتشر خواهد شد)

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