(شکوفه های سخن)The Book of AhÁdith ( انگلیسی )

(شکوفه های سخن)The Book of AhÁdith
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(شکوفه های سخن)The Book of AhÁdith

This beautiful compilation consists of more than 1600 Ahādith, from the venerable Prophet of Islam [pbuhahf), the lord of the believers, Ali Ibn Abi Tālib and the eleven Infallible Imāms [pbut]. There are also some Ahādith from Hazrat Fátimah [pbuh] which manifest themselves like splendid, unique gems, in the Islamic literature. By reading these Shiite Ahādith, not only one may learn all kinds of moral, ethical, spiritual Teachings from the best "Friends of Allah" and try to practice these Precepts in one's religious inner life, but also use them in one's everyday life, in the family or working ambient. It is a book that every Muslim should have in his private library

نویسنده سيد علی لواسانی
مترجم سيد علی فريد محمدی
سال چاپ 1394
نوبت چاپ اول
تعداد صفحات 247
زبان انگليسی
قطع رقعی
موضوع معارف اسلامی
نوع جلد شومیز
مرجع سفارش معاونت پژوهش
شناسه ملی 2755238
کد فایل BP0470
ارسال نظر
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    آدرس کوتاه شده‌ی صفحه: برای کپی کردن لینک روی آن کلیک کنید