(فقه آموزشی (فقه تربیتی))EDUCATIONAL JURISPRUDENCEī ( انگلیسی )

(فقه آموزشی (فقه تربیتی))EDUCATIONAL JURISPRUDENCEī ( انگلیسی )
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(فقه آموزشی (فقه تربیتی))EDUCATIONAL JURISPRUDENCEī

Education has been a matter of importance in the life of mankind since old times, and the collection of the experiences of trainers as well as the intellectual efforts of philosophers and thinkers have further enriched the experience of man. Compilation and advancement of specialized sciences in the realm of education as well as the formation of various disciplines in educational science accelerated the process of studying and making educational studies scientific (p. 17). The first volume of Educational Jurisprudence contains materials derived from the lecture series held by the author, Alireza Arafi, since 1998 onwards. The author begins with the definition and subject of educational jurisprudence and proceeds to discuss a wide array of topics ranging from behavior, intellect, puberty, justifiable opinion, jurisprudences and new areas to predicate of fiqh, concept and kinds of guidance, relation between education and tabligh, adab and tảdib,educational disciplines, ethics and education, mysticism and its relation with other disciplines,educational jurisprudence, subjects touched upon in a number of educational books like Munyat al-Murid, and fiqh and ethics.

نویسنده عليرضا اعرافی
مترجم مصطفی هدايی
سال چاپ 1395
نوبت چاپ اول
تعداد صفحات 520
زبان انگليسی
قطع وزیری
موضوع فقه و اصول
نوع جلد شومیز
مرجع سفارش پژوهشگاه بین المللی المصطفی(ص)
شناسه ملی 4508206
کد فایل BP1003
ارسال نظر
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