درآمدی بر فقه مقارن (انگلیسی)

درآمدی بر فقه مقارن (انگلیسی)
124,000 تومان
فایل ضمیمه: دانلود فایل

Fiqh is  Islamic jurisprudence  while comparative  study of  fiqh deals with  different schools of thought comparing their fatwas. The subject of comparative study of fiqh is as much important as other subjects. From the  very  beginning,  jurisprudence  scholars  have  given  importance  to  the  subject.  They  have  studied  it  at  their seminaries and have written books on it. 

Today, the subject is being taught at Universities and religious seminaries in a broader scale. The book in your hand is a contribution to the subject. The respected writer has presented a general view of this science.

He has explained important aspects of this field such as introducing different schools of thought, the biography of the authors as well as their works and some of the key terms being used. 

The  original  book  is  written  in  Persian.  The  importance  of  the  topic  as  well  as  the  need  of  today  has motivated us to translate this book into English. It was through Allah’s blessing that we were able to finish the project. We hope it can be a useful reference for those who are interested in Islamic Rulings (Figh). It may also be  a  useful  source  to  bridge  the  gap  between  various  schools  of  thought  which  will  lead  to  common understanding, unity and brotherhood

نویسنده محمد حسن ربانی
مترجم محمد شیبانی-ذاکر حسین میر
سال چاپ 1400
نوبت چاپ اول
تعداد صفحات 216
زبان انگليسی
قطع رقعی
موضوع فقه و اصول
نوع جلد شومیز
مرجع سفارش مجتمع آموزش عالی مشهد
شناسه ملی 8495838
شابک 9786004298490
کد فایل BP1427
ارسال نظر
(بعد از تائید مدیر منتشر خواهد شد)

    شبکه‌های اجتماعی:

    آدرس کوتاه شده‌ی صفحه: برای کپی کردن لینک روی آن کلیک کنید