(گفتارهایی درباب توحید)Discourses on TAWÍÏD ( انگلیسی )

(گفتارهایی درباب توحید)Discourses on TAWÍÏD
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(گفتارهایی در باب توحید)Discourses on TAWÍÏD

Imam Rihullah Misawi Khomeini (1902-1989), the founder of the Islamic republic of Iran, was a great, outstanding scholar who was a unique master of all Islamic sciences such as jurisprudence (fiqh), principles of jurisprudence (ușūl al-fiqh), mysticism (irfān), Qur’ānic exegesis (tafsīr), tradition (hadith), etc. and presented invaluable works on each of those es Forty Hadiths is one of the invaluable works of Imam Khomeini which is written by his eminence as detailed commentaries on forty selected hadiths. This book is entirely devoted to the inquiry of reality of some hadiths of the holy Prophet and his Household being brimful of ethical advices and mystical-philosophical points.
In order to make this invaluable book more beneficent and  applicable for a wider audience, the publisher decided to choose 36 hadiths and, making some formal changes, divide them into 9 parts to be published in 9 booklets - one of which being the present work on tawhid.

نویسنده امام خمينی(ره)
مترجم مرکز فرهنگی و تحقيقات امين
سال چاپ 1395
نوبت چاپ انتخاب کنید
تعداد صفحات 75
زبان انگليسی
موضوع کلام و عقاید
نوع جلد شومیز
مرجع سفارش پژوهشگاه بین المللی المصطفی(ص)
شناسه ملی 3623812
کد فایل BP0772
قطع جیبی
ارسال نظر
(بعد از تائید مدیر منتشر خواهد شد)

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    آدرس کوتاه شده‌ی صفحه: برای کپی کردن لینک روی آن کلیک کنید